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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Difference Between in Web 1.0, Web 2.0, & Web 3.0

Like any other technology, Web and emerging, not immediately ready. In the absence of standards, there's a little on their growth and development versions of the most acceptable seems to be nervousness about the stages are as follows:

* Web 1.0
* Web 2.0
* Web 3.0 (Also known as web sense)

So, what is the difference between these versions?

Web 1.0: 1999 before the Internet, experts say age is read only. The average Internet user's role was limited only to read information presented to him. The best examples are static websites which have mushroomed millions during the boom. No active communication or information from the manufacturer consumer information was the information flow.

Web 2.0: Web 2.0 Web led to the birth of lack of cooperation with the ordinary user is active. A study earlier in the year 1999 contributed to write-Livejournal marked with the era published (April, began in 1999) and Blogger (August, started in 1999). Now a non-technical user interaction and actively contribute to the different blog platforms can use web. In this era shared with some new concepts, namely user rights. Blog, society, media and streaming video. Publishing your content is just a few clicks away! Some notable development of Web 2.0 Twitter, YouTube, eZineArticles, Flickr and Facebook are.

Web 3.0: It seems that all of us whatever we have in Web 2.0, but is way behind when it comes to mind is wished for. Maybe in a year six children from the current search technology is better analytical capacity! Web 2.0 based on keyword search of information held in surcharges. The following features are going to be a part of Web 3.0:

* Contextual search
* Tailor the search
* Personalized Search
* 3 D Web Development
* Deductive reasoning

But yet there's something very clever web though to achieve this goal effort has already started can be said as a view. 2 weeks before the official Google blog mentioned about how Google's search algorithms are now mature as it can identify many synonyms.

For example, graphics and photos now as means of treatment are similar. From now on you after your search query GM crops GM (General Motors) will not lead to the website. Why? Because the first time Google will recognize synonym understands that GM General Motors or genetically modified can mean. So the keyword crop this context, namely that the user will infer information about genetically modified crops and do not want General Motors. Similarly, genetically modified crops GM car, you will not be created. Out to see how it yourself artificial intelligence works in the newly added Google to try. In addition, many built on Web 3.0 websites is that personalizes your search. Web is really intelligent.

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